
Bundle size throwdown (June 2018)

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Parcel / Webpack Comparison

Comparing the bundle sizes of Webpack and Parcel, using Parcel's new tree shaking mode. Non-shaken Parcel bundles are included as a point of comparison.

Preliminary results

tl;dr - Parcel can create smaller bundles when using purely ES6 module / CommonJS module code. Other dependencies might be better optimized by Webpack.

Using ES6 Libs (Lodash-es + React)

Bundler Size Time
Webpack 198kb 15.26s
Parcel + tree shaking 101kb 5.27s
Parcel (old) 501kb 3.08s

Using Non-ES6 Libs (plain Lodash + React)

Bundler Size
Webpack 170kb
Parcel + tree shaking 192kb
Parcel (old) 192kb

Three.js app

Bundler Size
Webpack 543kb
Parcel + tree shaking 518kb
Parcel (old) 535kb

Reproducing these results

You can use the NPM scripts defined in package.json to run each build. Compiled bundles will land in a dist/ folder.