
A template for project READMEs

MIT LicenseMIT

Node / TypeScript example

What is this application? Who uses it, and what do they do with it? Which team is responsible for it?

What technologies does this project use? Links to technical documentation might live here.

Project structure

Name                 Description
.circleci Contains YAML to configure Circle build & deploy pipeline
.ebextensions Contains configuration for Elastic Beanstalk app (server config, ports, scaling policy, etc.)
config Configuration templates for Node app (switches, environment variables, initial state, etc.)
dist Contains server/client distributables
node_modules Contains all our lovely dependencies
src/client/js Browser JavaScript / TypeScript sources
src/client/css Browser stylesheet sources
src/client/static Static assets that will be used client side
src/server/controllers Controllers define functions that respond to various HTTP requests
src/server/services Services fetch data on behalf of controllers (e.g. from other APIs)
src/server/util General-purpose utilities that don't fit anywhere else
src/server/views HTML templates
src/app.ts Express app
src/config.ts Uses Convict to parse environment variables
src/index.ts Wraps Express app (so app.ts can be tested in a mock server)
src/types Holds .d.ts files not found on DefinitelyTyped.
devConfig.json Environment variables to use in local development (be careful about committing to this)
package.json Lists NPM dependencies and build scripts
tsconfig.json Configures the TypeScript compiler

Local development


  • Node v8.0+
  • NPM v5.1+
  • Mac OS or Windows 7

Quick start

git clone ...
npm install
npm start
# go to localhost:1234 (or whatever...)

NPM tasks

List all the top level NPM tasks in the project - subtasks don't need to be documented. For example, you would document test-server but not test-server:unit or test-server:integration.


Name Description
clean Deletes and regenrates dist folder
develop Start app, watch files, compile continuously and restart as necessary
dist Compile all resources one time
start Alias for 'develop'
ngrok If installed, uses ngrok to generate public tunnel to local zone


[Link to Swagger UI]