
Play the Early Math Prototypes embedded in an iPad app.

Primary LanguageSwift


Play the Early Math Prototypes embedded in an iPad app.

Running the app on your iPad:

  • Get Xcode from the Mac App Store if you don't already have it
  • Clone this git repository to your computer.
    • If you're not familiar with git, you can use the Github app to do it.

    • Alternatively, you can do the following from the Terminal app

        git clone --recursive git@github.com:jbrennan/Early-Math-Prototype-Player.git
  • Open the project file (Early Math Prototype Player.xcodeproj) in Xcode
  • Make sure you pick the correct app to run and device in Xcode if it's not already chosen.

  • Build and run the app on your Simulator or iPad.


To navigate back to the list of prototypes, swipe to the right with three fingers. If you're using the simulator, you can also press Escape.