
Easily create customizable Contra Code style Easter-eggs in your web application.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

jQuery Contra Code

Easily create customizable Contra Code style Easter-eggs in your web application.


Getting up and running is really easy!



	begin: function() {
		console.log("The user has begun entering the contra code.");
	fail: function() {
	success: function() {
		alert("You're a genius!");


jQuery Contra contains a few options which allow you to customize many aspects of it.

  • config.scope - The scope in which to bind key presses to.
  • config.code - Array of keycodes to step through.
  • config.time - The amount of time in milliseconds that the user must press the next key in the sequence. Optionally, if there is no timeout, use false.

jQuery Contra also supports a few optional callback functions. These are useful in a couple of scenarios:

  1. Tracking successful Contra codes.
  2. Tracking the fail rate.
  3. Performing actions before the contra code is completed/failed.

The callback functions are:

  • config.fail - Called when the user has started entering the Contra code, but failed to hit the next key in the sequence correctly.
  • config.success - After the keycodes have been successfully entered, this will be called.
  • config.begin - This is called after the user hits the first key in the sequence.


MIT http://jbrooksuk.mit-license.org