
Easy Arrows for cocos2d redone for cocos2d-x 3.0

Primary LanguageC++


Easy Arrows for cocos2d redone for cocos2d-x 3.0+

In the scene you want the controller, add this to the init:


#include "DPad.h"


DPad *controller;



controller = DPad::create("Base01.png", "Button01.png", "ButtonPressed01.png", Point(0,0));

controller->setCorner(x); //replace x with a corner number (1, 2, 3, or 4)


// in the update function:

//dpad input

if (controller->getButton(kDirectionDown)->isSelected()) {

CCLOG("Down button is pressed!");


else if (controller->getButton(kDirectionUp)->isSelected()) {

CCLOG("Up button is pressed!");


else if (controller->getButton(kDirectionLeft)->isSelected()) {

CCLOG("Left button is pressed!");


else if (controller->getButton(kDirectionRight)->isSelected()) {

CCLOG("Right button is pressed!");
