
Package containing dbt macros to help generate salesforce formula fields synced from Fivetran.

Primary LanguageShell

Apache License

Fivetran Salesforce Formula Utils

This package includes macros to be used within a Salesforce dbt project to accurately map Salesforce Formulas to existing tables.

Installation Instructions

In order to use this macro it is expected that you have set up your own dbt project. If you have not, you can reference the dbt installation docs for the latest installation instructions, and then reference the dbt package docs for more information on installing packages.

Macro Instructions

Installing the Macro Package

This macro is intended to be used within a salesforce dbt project model. To leverage the macro, you will add the below configuration to your packages.yml file (if you do not have a packages.yml file you can create one).

  - package: fivetran/salesforce_formula_utils
    version: [">=0.7.0", "<0.8.0"]

Source Tables Required

In order to use the macros included in this package you will need to have a properly configured source package with a source named salesforce. To see an example of a properly configured Salesforce source yml you can reference integration_tests. You are also welcome to copy/paste this source configuration into your dbt root project and modify for your Salesforce use case. In particular, you will need to following sources defined in your src_salesforce.yml file:

  - name: salesforce #It would be best to keep this named salesforce
    schema: 'salesforce_schema' #Modify this to be where your Salesforce data resides
      - name: fivetran_formula_model
        description: Used for the recommended Option 1 version of the formula solution.
      - name: fivetran_formula
        description: Used for options 2 and 3 of the original individual formula solution.

      ## Any other source tables you are creating models for should be defined here as well.

Model Creation

(Recommended) Option 1: Generate all relevant formula fields at once

If you would like your model to generate all the formula fields at once related to your source table then you will create a new file in your models folder and name it (your_table_name_here.sql). You will then add the below snippet into the file. Finally, update the source_table argument to be the source table name for which you are generating the model:

{{ salesforce_formula_utils.sfdc_formula_view(

Option 2: Generate all relevant formula fields individually

If you would like your model to generate all the formula fields related to your source table then you may create a new file in your models folder and name it (your_table_name_here.sql). You will then add the below snippet into the file. Finally, update the source_table argument to be the source table name for which you are generating the model:

{{ salesforce_formula_utils.sfdc_formula_view(

Option 3: Generate only specified formula fields

If you would like your model to generate only a specified subset of your formula fields related to your source table then you may create a new file in your models folder and name it (your_table_name_here.sql). You will then add the below snippet into the file. Finally, update the source_table argument to be the source table name for which you are generating the model and update the fields_to_include argument to contain all the fields from your source that you would like to be included in the final output. Be sure that the field(s) you would like to include are enclosed within brackets as an array (ie. []):

{{ salesforce_formula_utils.sfdc_formula_view(

Formula Fields that Reference Other Formula Fields

This macro has been created to allow for two degrees of formula field reference. For example:

  • ✅ : A formula field references standard fields from the base Salesforce table.
  • ✅ : A formula field references another formula field that does not reference other formula fields.
  • 🚧 : A formula field references another formula field that references another formula field (etc.). This may be possible for certain situations using Option #1 above.

If you have a formula field that would fall under the ❌ example, exclude it from all your models by configuring the sfdc_exclude_formulas variable within your root dbt_project.yml file. Configure this variable as a set of all the fields you would like to exclude from all models. See below for an example:

  sfdc_exclude_formulas: ('field_that_references_other_formula','other_triple_ref_field','field_i_just_dont_want')

Note: You should not add this variable to your dbt_project.yml file if you do not need to exclude any fields.

Once you have created all your desired models and copied/modified the sql snippet into each model you will execute dbt deps to install the macro package, then execute dbt run to generate the models. Additionally, you can reference the integration_tests folder for examples on how to use the macro within your models.

Model Creation Automation

If you have multiple models you need to create, you can also Leverage the sfdc_formula_model_automation script within this project to automatically create models locally via the command line. Below is an example command to copy and edit.

source dbt_modules/salesforce_formula_utils/sfdc_formula_model_automation.sh "../path/to/directory" "desired_table_1,desired_table_2,desired_table_infinity"

Macro Descriptions

sfdc_formula_view (source)

This macro generates the final sql needed to join the Salesforce formula fields to the desired table.


{{ salesforce_formula_utils.sfdc_formula_view(source_table='fivetran_sfdc_example_table') }}


  • source_table (required): The table with which you are joining the formula fields.
  • source_name (optional, default 'salesforce'): The dbt source containing the table you want to join with formula fields. Must also contain the fivetran_formula table.
  • fields_to_include (optional, default is none): If a users wishes to only run the formula fields macro for designated fields then they may be applied within this variable. This variable will ensure the model only generates the sql for the designated fields.
  • full_statement_version (optional, default is false): Allows a user to leverage the fivetran_formula_table version of the macro which will generate the formula fields via the complete sql statement, rather than individual formulas being generated within the macro.
  • materialization (optional, default is view): By default the model will be materialized as a view. If you would like to materialize as a table, you can adjust using this argument.

Note: If you populate the fields_to_include argument then the package will exclusively look for those fields. If you have designated a field to be excluded within the sfdc_exclude_formulas variable, then this will be ignored and the field will be included in the final model.

sfdc_formula_pivot (source)

This macro pivots the dictionary results generated from the sfdc_get_formula_column_values macro to populate the formula field and sql for each record within the designated table this macro is used.


{{ salesforce_formula_utils.sfdc_formula_pivot(join_to_table='fivetran_sfdc_example_table') }}


  • join_to_table (required): The table with which you are joining the formula fields.
  • source_name (optional, default 'salesforce'): The dbt source containing the table you want to join with formula fields. Must also contain the fivetran_formula table.
  • added_inclusion_fields (optional, default is none): The list of fields you want to be included in the macro. If no fields are selected then all fields will be included.

sfdc_formula_refactor (source)

This macro checks the dictionary results generated from the sfdc_get_formula_column_values macro to determine if any formula fields reference other formula fields. If a formula references another generated formula field, then the macro will insert the first formula sql into the second formula. This ensures formulas that reference another formula field will be generated successfully.


{{ salesforce_formula_utils.sfdc_formula_refactor(join_to_table='fivetran_sfdc_example_table',source_name='salesforce') }}


  • join_to_table (required): The table with which you are joining the formula fields.
  • source_name (optional, default is salesforce): The name of the source defined.
  • added_inclusion_fields (optional, default is none): The list of fields you want to be included in the macro. If no fields are selected then all fields will be included.

sfdc_formula_view_fields (source)

This macro checks the dictionary results generated from the sfdc_get_formula_column_values macro and returns the field name with the index of the view sql to be used in the primary select statement of the sfdc_formula_view macro.


{{ salesforce_formula_utils.sfdc_formula_field_views(join_to_table='fivetran_sfdc_example_table',source_name='salesforce') }}


  • join_to_table (required): The table with which you are joining the formula fields.
  • source_name (optional): The name of the source defined. Default is salesforce.
  • inclusion_fields (optional, default is none): The list of fields you want to be included in the macro. If no fields are selected then all fields will be included.

sfdc_formula_view_sql (source)

This macro checks the dictionary results generated from the sfdc_get_formula_column_values macro and returns the view_sql value results while also replacing the from and join syntax to be specific to the source defined. Additionally, the where logic will be applied to ensure the view_sql is properly joined to the base table.


{{ salesforce_formula_utils.sfdc_formula_view_sql(join_to_table='fivetran_sfdc_example_table',source_name='salesforce') }}


  • join_to_table (required): The table with which you are joining the formula fields.
  • source_name (optional): The name of the source defined. Default is salesforce.
  • inclusion_fields (optional, default is none): The list of fields you want to be included in the macro. If no fields are selected then all fields will be included.

sfdc_get_formula_column_values (source)

This macro is designed to look within the users source defined salesforce_schema for the fivetran_formula table. The macro will then filter to only include records from the join_to_table argument, and search for distinct combinations of the field and sql columns. The distinct combination of columns for the join_table argument are then returned as a dictionary. Further, if there are any formula fields that are a third degree referential formula (eg. a formula field is contains a field that is a formula field, and that formula field also references another formula field) or greater then you can add those fields to the sfdc_exclude_formulas variable within your root dbt_project.yml file to exclude them from the macro as they will fail in the final view creation.

Note: This macro will not work accurately unless you have a src.yml configured appropriately. For reference, look within this packages integration_tests folder for an example of a source configuration.


{{ salesforce_formula_utils.sfdc_get_formula_column_values(fivetran_formula='salesforce', key='field', value='sql', join_to_table='fivetran_sfdc_example_table') }}


  • fivetran_formula (required): The source configuration for the fivetran_formula table. If this is in a different source than the default salesforce, that source will also apply to the join_to_table parameter.
  • key (required): The key column within fivetran_formula you are querying. This argument is typically field.
  • value (required): The value column within fivetran_formula you are querying. This argument is typically sql.
  • join_to_table (required): The table with which you are joining the formula fields.
  • added_inclusion_fields (optional, default is none): The list of fields you want to be included in the macro. If no fields are selected then all fields will be included.
  • no_nulls (optional, default is true): Used by the macro to identify if the null fields within the view_sql column should be included.

sfdc_star_exact_ (source)

This macro mirrors the dbt_utils.star() macro with the minor adjustment to properly work with the return results of the dbt_utils.get_column_values(). The major change being how the return result of the dbt_utils.get_column_values() macro returns results with single quotes, while the dbt_utils.star() macro exclusively requires double quotes. Usage:

{{ salesforce_formula_utils.sfdc_star_exact(from=ref('my_model'), relation_alias='my_table', except=["exclude_field_1", "exclude_field_2"]) }}


  • from (required): The table which you want to select all fields.
  • relation_alias (optional, default is none): Used if you would like to add a relation alias to the fields queried in the select star statement (i.e. my_table.field_name).
  • except (optional, default is none): A list of fields you would like to exclude from the select star statement.

Automation Bash Script

sfdc_formula_model_automation.sh (source)

This bash script is intended to be used in order to automatically create the desired salesforce models via the command line within your dbt project. This bash script will generate a model file within your dbt project that contains the sfdc_formula_view macro for the appropriately defined table(s). In order for this command to work you must be within the root directory of your dbt project.


source dbt_modules/salesforce_formula_utils/sfdc_formula_model_automation.sh "../path/to/directory" "desired_table(s)"

Example Assuming the path to your directory is "../dbt_salesforce" and the table(s) you want to generate the model for are opportunity and account.

source dbt_modules/salesforce_formula_utils/sfdc_formula_model_automation.sh "../dbt_salesforce" "opportunity,account"

Package Maintenance

The Fivetran team maintaining this package only maintains the latest version of the package. We highly recommend you stay consistent with the latest version of the package and refer to the CHANGELOG and release notes for more information on changes across versions.


Don't see a model or specific metric you would have liked to be included? Notice any bugs when installing and running the package? If so, we highly encourage and welcome contributions to this package! Please create issues or open PRs against master. Check out this post on the best workflow for contributing to a package.

Database Support

This package has been tested on BigQuery, Snowflake, Redshift, and Postgres.
