
Utilities for collecting Github assignments and grading.

Primary LanguagePython

Github Utilities

This repository contains some utilities for collecting student work from Github.

File Description
bin/clonegit Clone a named repo from each student's Github acct.
bin/cloneclassroom Clone an assignment from Github Classroom.
students.csv File of student names and their Github ids.

Ths scripts use the git command on your system (rather than the Github API), so git must be on your command shell PATH.


This file contains student names and Github accounts in CSV format:

# Firstname, github_id, Fullname, other
Alan,turing,Alan Turing,turing@mit.edu
James,jgosling,James Gosline,gosling@sun.com
Martin,mfowler,Martin Fowler,fowler@thoughtworks.com

blank lines and lines between with # are ignored. All other lines must contain at least 3 fields.

  • Field 1: student name or other identifier
  • Field 2: student Github Name
  • Field 3: verbose student name or identifier, used in printed messages


A Python script that clones or pulls updates for a named repo from the students' own accounts. It assumes students.csv is in the current directory.

Usage: python3 bin/clonegit assignment1

will try to clone all "assignment1" repos for every account in students.csv and put the clones in a directory for each student (Field 1 of CSV file):


directories and subdirectories are created as needed.

Other Usage: python3 bin/clonegit assignment1 James Martin

Get assignment1 for only the specifiied student(s), e.g. James and Martin.

My Usage: clonegit assignment1 [student1 ...]

I add bin to my shell path and make the Python script executable (Linux mode 755 and line 1 contains "#!/usr/bin/python3") so I can execute the script directly.


A Python script to clone a Github Classroom assignment. This script requires some editing before you use it.


  • create a students.csv file in the base directory where you'll run the script
  • In cloneclassroom set BASE_URL="git@github.com:" for SSH authentication or "https://github.com/" for HTTPS authentication on Github.
  • create a file named .classroom containing the name of the Github organization for the classroom, or hardcode the CLASSROOM variable value in the script:
    Example for the Programming 2 course in 2022:
    • hardcode CLASSROOM at the top of bin/cloneclassroom:
    • or, create a .classroom file containing a single line:

Pre-authenticate to Github: when you run the script, you should already be authenticated so Github. This is because the script suppresses the authentication prompt to avoid endless prompting when attempting to clone a non-existing student assignment.

Enter any git command that causes Github to prompt you for authentication before your run this script, so you are authenticated to a user that has permission to access the Github Classroom private repos.


  1. Clone or update all student repos for an assignment named "lab2"

    python3 bin/cloneclassroom lab2

    clones all student submissions for an assignment where the base repo name is "lab2". As with clonegit, it puts the student repos in a subdirectory having the student's name:

  2. Clone or update an assignment for specific students:
    Usage: python3 bin/cloneclassroom assignment-name student1 [...]
    Example: clone or pull updates for "Alan" and "Martin"

    python3 cloneclassroom lab2 Alan Martin   
  3. Print a help message: python3 bin/cloneclassroom (no arguments)

[Github Classroom Assistant][classroom-assistant]

[Github Classroom Assistant][classroom-assistant] is a GUI application for managing assignments in Github Classroom. Assistant is a desktop app built on the Electron framework. Uses tons of Javascript packages.