This repository is a fork of the LINE sample application for reservations at a hair salon.
- LINE's repo:
- Description of the app with Class and System Sequence Diagrams:
The application uses LIFF (Line Interface Framework) and Line Messaging API.
The rest of this file is LINE's README.
This is the source code for the LINE Hair Salon Reservation demo app provided on the LINE API Use Case site. By referring to the steps described in this article, you can develop a hair salon reservation app using the LINE API. The hair salon reservation app is launched on the LIFF browser of the LINE app, and you can make a reservation at the hair salon. To prevent users from forgetting to visit the store, you can implement a reminder function via LINE message by default.
The source code environment introduced on this page uses AWS.
Install Node.js, which will be used for the front-end development, in your local development environment.
We recommend installing the latest Long-Term Support (LTS) version (v10.13 or later).
Install Python version 3.8 or later if it isn't already installed.
You can check if it's installed by entering this command in Command Prompt or Terminal:
python --version
If Python is installed, the version will be returned. For example:
Python 3.8.3
Install Python (3.8 or higher), used for backend development, in your local development environment if it's not already installed.
Python installation reference site:
The AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM) is used to deploy this app.
See the official AWS documentation to register and set up an AWS account, and install the AWS SAM CLI and Docker.
- Recommended version of SAM CLI is 1.15.0 or later.
- Docker installation is also required, with or without local testing.
Complete these items in the official documentation and proceed to the next step. If you have already installed it, you can skip this section.
- This document was created in December 2020 and may be inconsistent with the latest official documentation.
- Install AWS SAM CLI
- Set up AWS authentication credentials
- (Optional) Tutorial: Deploying the Hello World app
In this section, you'll learn how to create a LINE channel, build the backend and front-end, submit test data, and operation verification, required for app development.
See these steps to build the production environment (AWS) and the local environment:
- Create a LINE channel
- Build the backend
- Build front end production environment (AWS)
- Build a local front end environment
- Test data input
- Check operation
All files on HairSalon are free to use without conditions.
Download and clone to start developing apps using LINE API.
See LICENSE for details. (English)
Thank you for taking the time to contribute. LINE API Use Case Hair Salon isn't different from any other open source projects. You can help by:
- Filing an issue in the issue tracker to report bugs and propose new features and improvements.
- Asking a question using the issue tracker.
- Contributing your work by submitting a pull request.
When you are sending a pull request, be aware of and accepting the following:
- Grant the same license to the contribution
- Represent the contribution is your own creation
- Not expected to give support for your contribution