
A tool for reporting over cycle time at the epic level

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Build Status Code Climate

A Chrome extension for reporting over cycle time in Jira at the Epic level.

Getting started

  1. Clone the project with git clone https://github.com/jbrunton/jira-cycle-time.git
  2. Run npm install to install any dependencies.
  3. If you don't have it set up, run npm install -g grunt-cli to install Grunt.
  4. You're good to go. Run grunt test to run the specs, and grunt build to generate a concatenated release build at build/main.js.

Developing and debugging

There are a few neat features that Jasmine and Browserify give us.

Watching files

Run grunt watch, and any changes made to the source files (in the scripts or test directories) will automatically cause Grunt to rebuild the test.js and main.js files, and to run the specs in the terminal.

Debugging in the browser

To debug the tests in a browser, run grunt test:debug. This will build the tests, and then open the Jasmine SpecRunner.html file in your default browser. If you run grunt watch and use the LivePage extension then changes to the source files will immediately be reflected in the browser.

The Gruntfile configures Browserify to generate source maps for test builds, so you can debug the actual source files rather than the concatenated versions.

Continuous integration

The project includes a .travis.yml file, which tells Travis how to install the necessary dependencies. Travis recognises the package.json file and runs the test script in that (which just runs grunt test). You can see the Travis project here.