Configuration and docker-compose application for monitoring.

In production

Requires a Droplet with docker and docker-compose.

First time setup:

mkdir -p certs
mkdir -p data
mkdir -p nginx_auth
git clone app

Scp SSL certificates to Then start the app for the first time:

cd app
cp .env
docker-compose up -d

Prometheus, Grafana and Alertmanagers will error due to lack of permissions, so run:

sudo chmod a+rwx -R /home/deployer/data/

At this point, CI deployments can take over.

Configuring basic auth:

sudo apt install apache2-utils
cd nginx_auth
htpasswd -c .htpasswd admin

Note: uses credentials in LastPass for prod. For dev, password is 'admin'.


Initial setup:

./ dev


docker-compose up

This will setup the services at the following URLs:

Note: in dev, basic auth credentials for Prometheus and Alertmanager are admin / admin.

If you want to test end to end alerting, you will need to update the values of the following config secrets in grafana/config.yml:

slack_api_url: ...
opsgenie_api_key: ...