
Calculate OBS horizontal orientations using the DLOPy algorithm (Adrian. K. Doran and Gabi Laske 2017)

Primary LanguagePython


Python code for determining orientation of OBS horizontals written by Adrian. K. Doran and Gabi Laske (see Doran & Laske, 2017). It automatically searches for events and downloads data from the IRIS-DMC to compute the orientations.

By default, it assumes H2 is 90 degrees CW from H1 with Z pointing up (left handed system). It uses global dispersion maps to predict the Rayleigh-wave arrival window. The cross-correlations are preformed in seven frequency bands ranging from 10 to 40 mHz (25-100 s).

This version is allows for automated looping over many stations.

run_orientations.py - Calculate station orientations. Specify network, station, event parameters at the top of the file. Data are automatically downloaded from IRIS.

run_orientations_local.py - Same, but this version reads local miniseed data.