
Bash script poller which send data from MijiaV2 sensor to InfluxDB

Primary LanguageShell


Bash script that allows to query several MijiaV2 sensors one by one and the information is sent to influxdb.

2 scripts available, the poller and the init.d.

source of inspiration: https://www.fanjoe.be/?p=3911


Update your raspberry :

  • Update the raspbian distribution : sudo apt update & sudo apt upgrade
  • update the firmware : sudo rpi-update

Integration :

  • copy the files directly into their respective places and make them executable :

curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jbsky/MijiaV2/master/sbin/mijiav2 -o /usr/local/sbin/mijiav2

curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jbsky/MijiaV2/master/init.d/mijiav2 -o /etc/init.d/mijiav2

chmod +x /usr/local/sbin/mijiav2 & chmod +x etc/init.d/mijiav2

Configuration :

In /usr/local/sbin/mijiav2, at the beginning of the file :

  • change addMAC , please quote the addresses : ex: addMAC = ("AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF" "11:22:33:44:55:66")

  • Add label corresponding for each MAC address, of course with the same constraints. : ex: ("Vitre\ Salon" "Salon" "Chambre\ Mathilde" "Chambre\ Parent")

  • change influxDB IP : influxDB=""

  • change the name of the influxDB database : _db="temperature"

Execution :

  • Simply as a service : sudo systemctl start mijiav2.service

Execute at boot time

  • Enable the service : sudo systemctl enable mijiav2.service

Conclusion :

It is a simple solution to capture data from these small sensors from Xiaomi.

It doesn't wait stupidly after a timeout, this is made possible by a file that counts lines every second.


no multiple parallel connection, no threading. Without saying anything stupid, I don't think the raspberry's bluetooth supports it.