Light Cells

Light Cells are helpers for working with Light. Light maintains as few internal dependencies as possible, so most people will want to use it through this collection.

A Cell is a small bundle of related functionality. For example, cell-sdl contains SDL2 helpers for Light.

Using Light Cells in your project

Like Light, Cells can be used in your project by direct inclusion, as a CMake submodule, by dropping in the header and shared library file(s), or as an installed system dependency.

List of Cells

  • cells.h: Cells core types and helpers (always include)
  • cellsdl.h: SDL-related functionality


Cells includes its own dependencies as Git submodules. After cloning the repo, you can load them using git submodule update --init --recursive.


  • zf_log: Fast logging
  • SDL2: Native UI and graphics