
Suru (する) is a simple tool to help manage and measure tasks.

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


Suru (する) is a simple tool to help manage and measure tasks. It lets you take ownership of your workflows and optionally publish logs of what you're working on in various formats (see below for an example!)


You can also use it with other people in real time to focus chat and collab online around "Topics."

Installing Suru

For now, Suru should always be built from the latest source.

First, install Go. Then, open your terminal and run:

go get -u -v gopkg.in/suru.v0/...

Assuming your PATH is set up to include the bin directory under your GOPATH, the suru command will now be available in your terminal.

Using Suru

Suru has an interactive CLI you can use to manage your Topics, or you can run the built-in webservice.

> suru help
# ...

> suru help config
# ...

> suru help topic
# ...

> suru help live
# ...

> suru help serve
# ...

> suru help pub
# ...

> suru help sub
# ...

suru config

suru config configures Suru. Use suru config gen to generate a new config.

suru topic

suru topic manages Topics. Topics can have discussions, tasks, and more. Use suru topic <name> to switch to a Topic. The default Topic is latest, which selects the Topic having the most recent updates or messages.

suru live

suru live runs an interactive shell session where you can see live updates. Use the ? key to see a help menu and q to quit.

suru serve

suru serve hosts a webservice which responds to gRPC messages. The Protocol Buffers schema file is located in the protocol subdirectory.

suru pub

suru pub publishes a summary of your projects/topics, and can optionally export a URL where others can view or participate in your projects/topics. See suru help pub for more details.

suru sub

suru sub subscribes to updates from another user's Suru pubfeed. When this is active, it can receive messages from other users. Make sure you are comfortable receiving messages from users on the server you're connecting to.

Why "Suru"


(Plus it sounds like sudo.)