
Plan B Token Info service for JWT tokens

Primary LanguageGoOtherNOASSERTION

Plan B Token Info Service

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Lightweight service providing an OAuth 2 token info HTTP endpoint to validate JWT tokens issued by the Plan B OpenID Connect Provider.

Current features:

  • Download public keys (set of JWKs) from OpenID provider
  • Verify signed JWT tokens using the right public key (identified by "kid" JOSE header)
  • Proxy to upstream tokeninfo for non-JWT tokens and cache the response
  • Download revocation lists from Plan B Revocation Service
  • Deny JWT tokens matching any revocation list

More information is available in our Plan B Documentation.


Requires Go 1.5 or higher.

$ sudo apt-get install golang  # how to install Go on Ubuntu 15.10
$ export GOPATH=$(pwd)         # first set GOPATH if not done already
$ go get -t github.com/zalando/planb-tokeninfo
$ go test github.com/zalando/planb-tokeninfo/...
$ go install github.com/zalando/planb-tokeninfo


$ export OPENID_PROVIDER_CONFIGURATION_URL=https://planb-provider.example.org/.well-known/openid-configuration
$ export REVOCATION_PROVIDER_URL=https://planb-revocation.example.org/revocations
$ $GOPATH/bin/planb-tokeninfo  # start server on port 9021

Now we can test our token info endpoint with a valid JWT access token:

$ # using the Authorization header is the preferred method
$ curl -H 'Authorization: Bearer MjoxLjUuMS0wdW..' localhost:9021/oauth2/tokeninfo
$ # simple GET query parameter works too (not recommended!)
$ curl localhost:9021/oauth2/tokeninfo?access_token=MjoxLjUuMS0wdW..

Running with Docker:

$ TAG=$(curl https://registry.opensource.zalan.do/teams/stups/artifacts/planb-tokeninfo/tags | jq -r .[].name | tail -n 1)
$ docker run -it -v /etc/ssl/certs:/etc/ssl/certs -p 9021:9021 -e OPENID_PROVIDER_CONFIGURATION_URL=https://planb-provider.example.org/.well-known/openid-configuration registry.opensource.zalan.do/stups/planb-tokeninfo:$TAG


The following environment variables are supported:

URL of the OpenID Connect configuration discovery document containing the jwks_uri which points to a set of JWKs.
The OpenID Connect configuration refresh interval. See Time based settings
URL of upstream OAuth 2 token info for non-JWT Bearer tokens. Optional.
Maximum number of entries for upstream token cache. It defaults to 10000.
The TTL for upstream token cache entries. It defaults to 60 seconds. Zero will disable the cache. See also Time based settings
URL of of the Revocation service.
Refresh interval for polling the Revocation service. See Time based settings
Amount of time to account for network latencies when polling the revocation service. Default is 60 seconds. See Time based settings
The TTL for Revocation cache entries. Default is 30 days. See Time based settings
Shared salt with Revocation service. Used for comparing hashed tokens from the Revocation service.
The address for the application listener. It defaults to ':9021'
The address for the metrics listener. Should be different from the application listener. It defaults to ':9020'
The timeout for the default HTTP client. See Time based settings
The timeout for the default HTTP client when using TLS. See Time based settings

Time based settings

Some of the above settings accept time based definitions. Those definitions can be specified as a string that can be understood by time.ParseDuration(). For ex., '10s' for 10 seconds, '1h10m' for 1 hour and 10 minutes, '100ms' for 100 milliseconds. A simple numeric value is interpreted as Seconds. For ex., '30' is interpreted as 30 seconds.


Metrics are exposed by default on port 9020 "/metrics". They include:

Number of public keys in memory.
Timer for the proxy handler (includes cached results and upstream calls).
Number of upstream cache hits.
Number of upstream cache misses.
Number of upstream cache misses because of expiration.
Timer for calls to the upstream tokeninfo. Cached responses are not measured here.