
Python wrapper for the cardmarket.com API. Also contains a working example app with price updating of your personal stock.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Build Status codecov Known Vulnerabilities

See the Changelog for what's new.


Python wrapper for the cardmarket.com API (version 2.0, using OAuth1 and the "Dedicated app" option).

The included sample app can update your stock prices to trend for non-foils, and to a competitive prices for foils, all rounded to nearest .25 €. A confirmation step allows you to check the result before uploading the new prices.

The app can import a .csv list of cards to your stock. It can also be used to clear your entire stock.

NOTE: Use this functionality at your own risk, I take no responsibility for the resulting prices. See 'price calculation' below.

The app also keeps track of how many API requests your have left each day.


📄 CSV importing

If you scan cards using an app like Delver Lens or the TCG Player app, this feature can help you do bulk import of that list.

Drop your list of cards into a file called list.csv in the root directory (there is an example file included in this repo). The file has to follow this format (including the header row):

Card,Set Name,Quantity,Foil,Language
Dragon Breath,Scourge,1,Foil,French

Any cards that fail to import are written to a new .csv file called failed_imports.csv.

📊 Competition view

This feature allows you to get a better view of how you should price individual cards depending on your local market and also the whole market:


🔨 How?

  1. Install requirements using pip install -r requirements.txt
  2. Copy config_template.json to config.json and fill in your API keys.
  3. Run main.py.
  4. Profit.

📈 Price calculation

The prices for non-foils are the "trend" prices supplied by Cardmarket. I only look at English cards for now. Cardmarket does not however supply trend prices for foils, so my algorithm is this:

NOTE: This is a rough algorithm, designed to be safe and not to sell aggressively.

  1. Filter out foils, English, not altered, not signed, minimum Good condition.
  2. Set price to lowest + (median - lowest / 4), rounded to closest quarter Euro.
  3. Undercut price in seller's own country by 0.25 if not contradicting 2)
  4. Never go below 0.25 for foils

✔️ Supported calls

These calls are implemented so far. They are not fully tested with different edge cases etc. Please submit an issue or pull request if you find problems.

  • get_games
  • get_expansions
  • get_cards_in_expansion
  • get_product
  • get_account
  • get_articles_in_shoppingcarts
  • set_vacation_status
  • set_display_language
  • get_stock
  • set_stock
  • add_stock
  • delete_stock
  • get_articles
  • find_product
  • find_stock_article