
A new take on user input management.

#what if forms or surveys could be built rapidly?

what if you could use a human readable shorthand to build user forms in plain text?

What if...

  • a text input was made like this? ::

    • with a label like this? [label]::
    • with default text like this? [label] :: ("default text")
    • with a label, default text, and a character limit like this?
      • [label] :: ("default text" /20/)
    • with a custom validator was made like this? :: (/text/)
      • or this? ::(/email/)
      • or this, regex eh? ::(/^[\d]+?$/)
    • a range input was made like this ::(10-200)
    • a date input was made like this ::(mm/dd/yyyy)
    • a date range input was made like this ::(02/12/2014-mm/dd/yyyy)
  • different input types were made like this?

    • number keyboards ::(#)
    • email keyboards ::(@)
    • url keyboards ::(www)
    • password masking ::(*)
  • a select was made like this ::(-) : option 1 [value] : option 2 [value] :: option 3 default [value]

  • a radio group was made like this? ::(o) : option 1 [value] : option 2 [value] :: option 3 default [value]

  • a checkbox group was made like this? ::([]) : option 1 [value] : option 2 [value] :: option 3 default [value]

  • a button was made like this {Send your form!}("post/url.html")

    • or like this? {Send your form!}(submit)
    • or like this? {Send your form!}{id}

I don't know.

I think it would be pretty cool. In fact, if we could partner it with integrations like IFTTT I think it could be really useful.