
One-dimensional quantum mechanics with Wigner functions to visualize decoherence phenomena, powered by C++ and Lua (and JavaScript / Python)

Primary LanguageC++

One-dimensional quantum mechanics with Wigner functions

Employing the Schroedinger picture Liouville-von Neumann equation of motion

To visualize purely quantum mechanical effects such as tunnelling, as well as macroscopic effects such as decoherence (aka measurement)

Powered by C++ and Lua (and JavaScript / Python)


sh git clone https://github.com/jbuchermn/onedse cd onedse git submodule init git submodule update --recursive cd cpp/dependencies && ./get.sh && cd ../..

Compile and run tests

sh cd cpp && mkdir build && cd build && cmake .. && make && cd ../.. ./cpp/build/test/onedse_test

Run a Lua script and plot results

sh cd lua ../cpp/build/main/script/onedse ./decoherence.lua python3 ../python/plot.py decoherence/<result folder> cd ..

or run the webserver

sh cd js && npm install && make && cd .. ./cpp/build/main/server/onedse_server

Open localhost:8080 and try the examples in the lua folder.

Troubleshooting / ToDos

  • stdc++fs on macOS / when using LLVM: Comment out the line in CMakeLists.txt --> experimental no longer necessary?
  • Update JS packages --> fix security issues
  • Improve build process / nix