
Recipes web site developed with Django framework

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT



Web site which contains recipes. Authenticated user can create, update, delete is owned recipes. He can also comment and rate others recipes. Anonymous user can only search and see recipes.

Recipe objects structure is available here and defined like that:



You need to have python, pip

pip install -r requirements.txt


python project/manage.py makemigrations
python project/manage.py migrate

Load data fixture

python project/manage.py loaddata data_recipes.json

Run server

And then, run the server :

python project/manage.py runserver

or if you want to precise a specific port number :

python project/manage.py runserver 8080


The default server address is http://localhost:8000

Accounts for testing:

  • admin:azerty11 (Admin role which can manage ingredients of recipes...)
  • tcaron:azerty11
  • agambart:azerty11
  • jbuisine:azerty11

How to contribute ?

This project uses git-flow to improve cooperation during the development.

For each feature, you have to create a new git flow feature branch.

Features to develop are available here. You can choose one you want to do and specify the git branch name associated to it.

Helpful django commands are also available here

Model description

  • User

    • username
    • mail
    • firstname
    • lastname
    • password
    • role
  • Recipe

    • title
    • realization_cost
    • published
    • preparation_time
    • cooking_time
    • relaxation_time (if necessary)
    • mean_of_marks (stock mean of marks to avoid computation each time)
    • number_of_marks (to easily compute new mean with new mark)
    • created_at
    • updated_at
    • published_at
    • *recipe_type
    • *difficulty
    • *user
  • Recipe_difficulty

    • label
    • level
  • Recipe_type

    • label
  • Recipe_step

    • description
    • *recipe
  • Recipe_image

    • image
    • created_at
    • *recipe
  • Recipe_video

    • path
    • created_at
    • *recipe
  • Ingredient_family families

    • name
  • Ingredient_unit_measure (liter, gram, unit...)

    • label
  • Ingredient

    • name
    • *ingredient_family
    • *ingredient_unit_measure
  • Ingredient_photo

    • path
    • created_at
    • *ingredient
  • Recipe_ingredient

    • quantity
    • *recipe
    • *ingredient
    • *unit_measure (based on unit measure of Ingredient)
  • Recipe_comment

    • text
    • date
    • *user
    • *recipe
    • *comment (if answer, not working for the moment)
  • Notification

    • date
    • available
    • text (generate from comment or mark)
    • link (necessary to redirect ?)
    • *user
    • *comment (null if mark)
    • *mark (null if comment)
  • Recipe_mark

    • mark_score
    • *user
    • *recipe

