
Project 3 for CSCE 310

Primary LanguageC++


Program that displays the use of open(), fopen(), and mmap() for file I/O


Included makefile has multiple options

  • make will run the test option in the makefile which will clean the directory and then proceed to run a test case on all three of the APIs showing both the original file and the new file
  • make build will compile all three sub projects
  • make sub_one will only compile the first sub project and nothing else
  • make sub_two will only compile the second sub project and nothing else
  • make sub_three will only compile the third sub project and nothing else
  • make clean of course will clean the working the directory of compiled files


Once compiled each sub project will have its own executable either by the name of sub_one, sub_two, or sub_three with them relating each sub project respectively.

In order to properly execute each of the programs the proper usage is: ./sub_one [file_path]

Order is the same for all sub projects.