Simple REST API server with movie database
git clone
cd movies-api
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
flask init-db # initiate sqlite3 database, note that any existing data will be lost
flask run
If you are using Windows, please switch to Linux and continue with steps above.
# build the image
docker build --tag movies-api
# run the container
docker run --rm -p 5000:5000 --name movies-api movies-api
pip install -r test-requirements.txt
python -m pytest --color=yes
You can use browser at http://localhost:5000 or try my shell client
- make script executable with
chmod u+x ./
- run script in current environment
source ./
, hint will appear. - function post-movie sets shell variable
to the new record id - see other script variables
head --lines=7 ./
$ source ./
Usage: post-movie <title> <release_year> [description]
sets shell variable LAST_POSTED_ID to id of the new movie record
Usage: get-movies [id]
Usage: edit-movie <id> <title> <release_year> [description]
Some parts of the code may come from the official Flask or sqlite3 documentation