
Simple REST API server with movie database

Primary LanguagePython


Simple REST API server with movie database

Linux installation

git clone https://github.com/jburget/movies-api.git
cd movies-api
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
flask init-db # initiate sqlite3 database, note that any existing data will be lost
flask run

Windows installation

If you are using Windows, please switch to Linux and continue with steps above.

Docker installation

# build the image
docker build https://github.com/jburget/movies-api.git#main --tag movies-api
# run the container
docker run --rm -p 5000:5000 --name movies-api movies-api

Run tests with pytest

pip install -r test-requirements.txt
python -m pytest --color=yes


You can use browser at http://localhost:5000 or try my shell client

  • make script executable with chmod u+x ./curl-client.sh
  • run script in current environment source ./curl-client.sh, hint will appear.
  • function post-movie sets shell variable LAST_POSTED_ID to the new record id
  • see other script variables head --lines=7 ./curl-client.sh

Shell client usage

$ source ./curl-client.sh
Usage: post-movie <title> <release_year> [description]
       sets shell variable LAST_POSTED_ID to id of the new movie record
Usage: get-movies [id]
Usage: edit-movie <id> <title> <release_year> [description]

Some parts of the code may come from the official Flask or sqlite3 documentation