
Collection of R helper functions

Primary LanguageR


RHelperFunctions is a R package that contains a collection of R helper functions. The aim of the package is to provide functions that tackle recurring programming tasks.

Pull Request welcome!

Everbody is welcome to contribute to the package!



Function Index

  • rhfFacToChar() - Converts factor variables of dataframe into character variables.
  • rhfInfNAToZero() - Converts Inf and NAs to 0.
  • rhfAddDateVars() - Adds additional columns to a dataframe/datatable containing year, month, year-month, calender-week, year-calender-week.
  • rhfPwdInput() - Reads user input from promt. Useful in interactive R session to store passwords in a variable without writing passwords in script.
  • rhfInsertDataDB - Inserts a dataframe into a database.
  • rhfDeleteDB - Delete database rows/entries by key column.
  • rhfRepeatUntilOk - Repeats a target function until result succesful.
  • rhfCalcGrowthRates - Function that calculates growth rates given a time lag.