DevOps Technical Exercise

This repo is a demo of how one could deploy a highly available, scalable REST api in modern cloud infrastructure.

Table of contents

System Requirements

  • Docker (Tested on Docker version 20.10.21, build baeda1f)
  • Python3 (Tested on Python 3.9.13)
  • Kubernetes (Tested on windows platform Client v1.26, linux platform Server v1.25, Kustomize v4.5.7)
  • aws cli (version: aws-cli/2.9.17)
  • Configure the aws cli
  • Terraform (tested on version 1.3.7)


  1. Install Python3
  2. Install Docker
  3. Install Terraform
  4. Install Kubernetes
  5. Install aws cli
  6. Configure the aws cli
  7. create a venv python3 -m venv myenv
  8. activate venv ./myenv/scripts/activate
  9. run pip install -r ./requirements.txt
  10. run terraform init

How to build

$ fab tag:v1.0.1 build_image

This command will build a docker image of the dotnet app located in the ./App directory and tag the image with v1.0.1. The build is a multi-stage build done to reduce the final image size to just the bare bones. In the first phase of the build unit tests are ran ensuring a new image will get built only when unit tests pass. The second phase of the build copies the published build into a lightweight container and sets the container entry point to the REST api.

If you have a private repo

$ fab hub:<repository> tag:v1.0.2 publish

Additionally you can set REST_DOCKER_REPOSITORY and exclude the hub target.

This command builds an image and pushes to a remote repository.

How to deploy

fab tag:v1.0.1 apply

This command first creates a VPC with 3 private class C subnets and 3 public subnets, security groups, Elastic Network Interfaces, Elastic Load Balancer, and an EKS cluster with two managed node groups of t3.small ec2 instances. Next it deploys a kubernetes Deployment and Service to the provisioned EKS cluster. It exposes port 80 to the outside world and configures the Service as a LoadBalancer enabling traffic distribution, auto-scaling, rolling updates and more out of the box.

Clean up

  1. fab destroy Removes all AWS resources
  2. docker rmi jburns24/rest-api:<version> Removes the docker image