
Command line scripts to parse panda web api

Primary LanguagePython


Cause panda and rucio don't work too good

This tells you if your jobs are done. And stuff like that.

  • No login required
  • Colors! (when you want them)
  • Gets input / output dataset names
  • Works with piping, other unix nice things

How I do dat?

  1. Clone me
  2. Add the directory to your PATH
  3. Type pandamon [user.<your user name>]
  4. Pretty colors!!!

You can add more of the task name if you want, and use wildcards (*). Wildcards are automatically appended to names that don't end in * or /.

Without any arguments the task name defaults to user.$RUCIO_ACCOUNT*.

Also try pandamon -h.

Other tricks

Get input/output dataset names

> pandamon -s IN <task name>
> pandamon -s OUT <task name>

Filter by user name

This is useful if you're running with group privileges. Set the environment variable GRID_USER_NAME to your full user name (the one that shows up on the top of the bigpanda page). Or specify one with --user.

Find input datasets for jobs in the broken state

You can do more useful stuff by piping through standard Unix utilities

> pandamon your.tasks > tasks.txt
> cat tasks.txt | awk '$1 ~ /broken/ {print $2}' | pandamon - -s IN

or (faster)

pandamon your.tasks -i broken -s IN

Filter by taskid range

Use to only display jobs in a specific range. This is useful for when you inevitably submit jobs with wrong parameters that you don't want to retry.

pandamon -r 12000-12100

Read the job user metadata

Now panda supports a userMetadata.json file for additional information in your job. Print it with

pandamon your.tasks -m

See this JIRA ticket where they plan to make it faster.


"I like colors" -- Chase Schimmin

"I found a bug" -- Danny Antrim (Fixed! Thanks Danny!)

"I tried to use it but it's python 3" -- also Chase

"I made a merge request. It was approved!" -- Alex

(I added python 2 support, and that's all that's currently supported)

I'll add other stuff too, if you want.