
Puppet Graphite management module

Primary LanguageRuby

Graphite Web

Puppet Forge Build Status


To install Graphite with the default parameters

class { 'graphite_web': }

Installing a specific version

class { 'graphite_web':
  revision => '0.9.11',

Installing and configuring using Hiera

 - graphite_web
graphite_web::revision: 0.9.11


bundle exec rake beaker_nodes

# Use the list the previous command prints to pick a value for BEAKER_set

# When starting testing set provision=yes
bundle exec rake beaker BEAKER_destroy=no BEAKER_set=ubuntu-server-1404-x64 BEAKER_provision=yes
# Make changes/corrections
# Run again without provisioning (quicker but not a thorough test)
bundle exec rake beaker BEAKER_destroy=no BEAKER_set=ubuntu-server-1404-x64 BEAKER_provision=no