John Wyatt's Portfolio

The following is a list of notable projects I have worked on to demonstrate my skills and experience.

You can see my personal website at:

This portfolio might be mirrored on GitHub. For the most up to date version please see the GitLab version:

This document was auto generated by readme_gen.rb in this portfolio's git repo.

Table of Contents



Ruby on Rails




DevOps / Chef



Game Development


Hacker News React Frontend

A simple ReactJS frontend for the Hacker News API based on the Road to Learn React.

IdeaBoard API

An Idea board app written in ReactJS that uses the Rails API.


Hacker News React Frontend

A simple ReactJS frontend for the Hacker News API based on the Road to Learn React.

API RSpec Example

A simple RSpec with both JSON API and HTML spec and feature tests.

IdeaBoard API

An Idea board app written in ReactJS that uses the Rails API.

Ruby on Rails

API RSpec Example

A simple RSpec with both JSON API and HTML spec and feature tests.

IdeaBoard API

An Idea board app written in ReactJS that uses the Rails API.

Wyatt Tech Courses

A tech courses site I made to sell my video courses. Stack: Rails 4.2, Bootstrap 3, Nginx, Posgres, Ubuntu, and Amazon Web Services.


API RSpec Example

A simple RSpec with both JSON API and HTML spec and feature tests.


API RSpec Example

A simple RSpec with both JSON API and HTML spec and feature tests.


Wyatt Tech Courses

A tech courses site I made to sell my video courses. Stack: Rails 4.2, Bootstrap 3, Nginx, Posgres, Ubuntu, and Amazon Web Services.

DevOps / Chef

Chef Dotfile Manager Tutorial

Tutorial code for how implemented a simple, yet comprehensive dotfile manager in Chef


AES128 Encryption Project

Fall 2012 CSE 178. Implemention of the 128bit subset of the AES Standard. Encryption only, very easy to understand and implemented in C.

SDL C Game Engine

The final project by the Shreaders team at UC Merced's CSE 31 class. An early Final Fantasy style 2D RPG implemented with C and SDL.


AES128 Encryption Project

Fall 2012 CSE 178. Implemention of the 128bit subset of the AES Standard. Encryption only, very easy to understand and implemented in C.

Game Development

SDL C Game Engine

The final project by the Shreaders team at UC Merced's CSE 31 class. An early Final Fantasy style 2D RPG implemented with C and SDL.