
Structure for Ansible infrastructure geared to deploy Flask app to

Primary LanguagePython


This is a project to learn how to work with anisble. I will take it in increments, first with a single server for a flask app then extending that to seperate db, redis and rabbitmq servers and then later clustering it all for HA.


We create a simple systemd service file that runs 3 gunicorn workers for our app, we then move it to it's location and reload the daemon.


Simple install of Nginx and a simple config that points to our flask application and serves it on port 80. #TODO: change ip


A simple flask app structure with a possibility to grow but I would not recommend deploying this with ansible, just added it for testing purposes.


Creating an instance of postgres that allows any ip to connect to the test user and database.

Version 2

  • Found a new way of structuring the who project which has helped a lot with maintaining and developing it.
  • Added a database.
  • TODO: Make everything more dynamic.