
🤖📇 handling multiple nlp task in one with many transformer models

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

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What is it

TFKit is a deep natural language process framework for classification/tagging/question answering/embedding study and language generation.
It leverages the use of transformers on many tasks with different models in this all-in-one framework.
All you need is a little change of config.

Task Supported

With transformer models - BERT/ALBERT/T5/BART......

Classification 🏷️ multi-class and multi-label classification
Question Answering 📃 extractive qa
Question Answering 🔘 multiple-choice qa
Tagging 👁️‍🗨️ sequence level tagging / sequence level with crf
Text Generation 📝 seq2seq language model
Text Generation 🖊️ causal language model
Text Generation 🖨️ once generation model / once generation model with ctc loss
Text Generation 📝 onebyone generation model
Self-supervise Learning 🤿 mask language model

Getting Started

Learn more from the document.

How To Use

Step 0: Install

Simple installation from PyPI

pip install tfkit

Step 1: Prepare dataset in csv format

Task format

input, target

Step 2: Train model

tfkit-train \
--model clas \
--config xlm-roberta-base \
--train training_data.csv \
--test testing_data.csv \
--lr 4e-5 \
--maxlen 384 \
--epoch 10 \
--savedir roberta_sentiment_classificer

Step 3: Evaluate

tfkit-eval \
--model roberta_sentiment_classificer/1.pt \
--metric clas \
--valid testing_data.csv

Advanced features

Multi-task training
tfkit-train \
  --model clas clas \
  --config xlm-roberta-base \
  --train training_data_taskA.csv training_data_taskB.csv \
  --test testing_data_taskA.csv testing_data_taskB.csv \
  --lr 4e-5 \
  --maxlen 384 \
  --epoch 10 \
  --savedir roberta_sentiment_classificer_multi_task



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License PyPI - License

Icons reference

Icons modify from Freepik from www.flaticon.com
Icons modify from Nikita Golubev from www.flaticon.com