
exercises for elixir lang

Primary LanguageElixir


exercises for elixir lang

elixir --version
IO.puts("Hello world from Elixir")
touch elixir simple.exs

1 # integer
0x1F # integer
1.0 # float
true # boolean
:atom # atom / symbol
"elixir" # string
[1, 2, 3] # list
{1, 2, 3} # tuple

atoms / symbols in other languages :apple

booleans are atoms true == :true is_atom(false) is_boolean(:false)

Question: Isn't everything in Elixir immutable? Should variables then be called constants or something else

variable declaration life = 42 life = "Hello world" ^ and reassignment

string concatenation x = "Dark" y = "Knight" z = x <> " " <> y

What's the equivalent of 'object_id' in Elixir? a = "pillow" a.object_id 205

a = "cloud" a.object_id 208

IO.puts(String.length("Hello")) IO.puts(String.reverse("World")) IO.puts(String.upcase("Hello") <> " " <> String.reverse("World"))

current_process = self()

IO.puts(<< 0, 1 >> <> << 2, 3 >>)

h # helpers

def exclaim(string) do string |> String.trim() |> String.capitalize() |> Kernel.<>("!") end