
New kind of NodeJS ORM

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

ilorm (I Love ORM)

New kind of NodeJS ORM.

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Official website

Why a new ORM ?

  • Use newest feature of ECMAScript (modern javascript).
  • Universal database connector (MongoDB, SQL, Redis, REST, CSV...).
  • Could create powerful plugin using the "class" inheritance.




const ilorm = require('ilorm');
const schema = ilorm.schema;

const schema = schema.new({
  firstName: schema.String().required(),
  lastName: schema.String().required(),
  children: schema.Array(schema.reference('User'))
  birthday: schema.Date(),
  weight: schema.Number().min(5).max(500)


Function Description
static new( schema ) Create a new ilorm schema.
static string() Instantiate a SchemaField/String
static number() Instantiate a SchemaField/Number
static boolean()  Instantiate a SchemaField/Boolean
static date()  Instantiate a SchemaField/Date
static reference()  Instantiate a SchemaField/Reference

All SchemaField

All SchemaField are children of the class SchemaField. This class contains this method :

Function Description
required() The field is required for create an object (per default not required).
default(value)   Set a precise value for default (if you do not set a value at creation).


Represent a javascript number.


Represent a javascript string.


Represent a javascript boolean.


Represent a javascript date.


Represent a javascript reference to another instance.


const ilorm = require('ilorm');
const ilormMongo = require('ilorm-connector-mongo');
const model = require('ilorm').model;

const userSchema = require('./schema');
const userModel = model('User', userModel, ilormMongo({ db }));

  .then(user => {
    user.weight = 30;
    return user.save();


Function Description
query()   Instantiate a Query targeting the current Model



In a query, every field present in the schema could be use to build the query. The [field] part in further documentation are every field declared in your specific schema.

Exemple of query

// if your schema is something like this ;
const schema = ilorm.schema({
  firstName: ilorm.String().required(),

// You could write query like this :
const user = await User.query()


Function Description
[field].is(value) Check if the field is equal value
[field].isNot(value) Check if the field is not equal with value
[field].isIn(arrayOfValue) Check if the field value is one of the array value
[field].isNotIn(arrayOfValue) Check if the field value is none of array value
[field].between(min, max) Check if the value is between min and max (include)
[field].min(value) Check if the value is equal or superior than the value
[field].max(value) Check if the value is equal or inferior than the value
[field].linkedWith(value) Check if the field (reference) is linked with another model, id, ...


Used for update or updateOne query only :

Function Description
[field].set(value) Set the value of the field
[field].inc(value) Incremente the value of the field by the given value


Function Description
 find() Run the query and return a promise with the result (array of instance).
 findOne() Run the query and return a promise the result (instance).
 count() Count the number of instance and return it.
 stream() Run the query with a stream context could be the best solution for big query.
remove() Remove the instance which match the query.
 removeOne() Remove only one instance which math the query.
 update() Used to update many instance.
 updateOne() Used to update one instance.




  .stream() //Return a standard stream


Instances are returned after a loading (find, or stream). It's a specific item loaded from the database. You can create a new instance from the model :

const instance = new userModel();
instance.firstName = 'Thibauld';
instance.lastName = 'Smith';
Function Description
save() Save the instance in the database (auto insert or update)
remove() Delete the instance from the database