
Neural network that can "write" rap songs -- other python files help it deliver the raps.

Primary LanguagePython


I made this for my high school's programming club - which I'm the president/founder of.

It's a neural network that has been trained on rap songs, and can rearrange any lyrics you throw it into a song that rhymes and has a flow (to an extent).

For example: I could feed it the lyrics of around 10 rap songs from various artists and it would in essence, combine lines from all of the songs you feed it to make a new song. There's also another file that helps it actually rap the song on a beat with text to speech.

Write song

Install (with python 2.x)

pip install -U -r requirements.txt 

Download the trained nn "trained_net-420000" https://docs.google.com/uc?id=0B-_m9VM1w1bKR3NTdVJRRDVCeE0&export=download

Fill "lyrics.txt" with rap lyrics of your choosing - the more the better - avoid putting things like "[bridge]" or "[intro]" in there - only put in actual lines from the song - and separate each line by a newline (press the 'enter' key, usually)

python deeprap.py

Generate sound

python speechtest.py 

beat.mp3 is the beat

Let's hear something it made

Okay... Here's some lyrics that it made - excuse the vulgarities, the neural network wrote it and not me. http://pastebin.com/raw/u0Vf7T4L

And here is the recording of "speechtest.py" using those lyrics. http://vocaroo.com/i/s1liCOwMUhuZ