
Update your route53 records dynamically with current IP

Primary LanguageGo

Route53 DDNS

  • Sick of using Dynamic DNS services that are costly or annoying?
  • Already use Route53 for your domain DNS?
  • Do you have a dynamically assigned IP address?

This is the command for you.

Update route53 DNS record with your current IP address
Usage: route53-ddns [--setup] [--configfile CONFIGFILE]

  --setup, -s            Setup wizard
  --configfile CONFIGFILE, -c CONFIGFILE
                         Config File to use (default: ~/.aws/route53-ddns.json)
  --help, -h             display this help and exit
  --version              display version and exit



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DEB host on dpkg.jc21.com

Go Get

go get github.com/jc21/route53-ddns


git clone https://github.com/jc21/route53-ddns && cd route53-ddns
go build -o bin/route53-ddns cmd/route53-ddns/main.go
./bin/route53-ddns -h