Collection of AspectJ Java Aspects to facilitate aspect-oriented programming patterns: logging, caching, validating, etc.
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Dependency Dashboard
#328 opened by renovate - 4
'JSR-303 validator failed to initialize' error remains even I followed instruction
#260 opened by lilyzhang79 - 2
Absence of `rultor deploy` option
#394 opened by l3r8yJ - 0
- 5
Java 21 support
#376 opened by andreoss - 6
#355 opened by yegor256 - 5
Cannot weave using in spring boot project
#232 opened by snowe2010 - 2
How to write to log file?
#347 opened by dominsights - 5
- 6
@Loggable is not working anymore Java 9 ?
#255 opened by aboussaidi - 15
- 9
fresh release
#302 opened by yegor256 - 3
- 2
Reduce the log level of the message indicating that there is no JSR-303 provider available
#227 opened by essobedo - 6
@Timeable(limit = 1, unit = TimeUnit.SECONDS) not working as expected
#249 opened by santoshkumar-soma - 10
Annotation @Timeable doesn't work
#263 opened by YuriHagel - 5
Release 0.23
#275 opened by andreoss - 4
Can't build jcabi-aspects myself
#265 opened by Mechtilde - 12
@Loggable does not work
#256 opened by sorryya - 3
- 9
How to install jcabi-aspects?
#261 opened by schittli - 11
@Loggagle error level for exceptions
#259 opened by Maze-fr - 15
@Loggable not work
#237 opened by baimingzhang - 3
javax.validation.ConstraintViolationException: may not be null for a mocked object in TestNG test
#234 opened by sandeepkhanzode - 2
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@loggable doesn't work with Slf4j
#258 opened by santhosh12992 - 11
- 2
Loggable and Log4J2 (and Dropwizard): Does not Apply Package/Class Logger Level
#253 opened by VincenzoFerme - 2
Backward compatibility report for Jcabi Aspects
#252 opened by lvc - 2
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jcabi-aspects version for validation 1.0.0
#250 opened by mkiran18 - 30
How to filter the password field
#248 opened by fitzf - 5
logs not writing
#246 opened by paramitanit - 2
@Cacheable and @Loggable - performance issues
#245 opened by pacinpm - 4
Performance issues
#244 opened by fanhongli - 2
logging twice
#243 opened by lessmor - 4
Only able to see method name, not able to see param values, return value
#240 opened by richard2017spring - 2
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too much text in RetryOnFailure with verbose=OFF
#238 opened by yegor256 - 1
Allow exceptions to be logged as ERROR
#236 opened by fandfisf - 2
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Configure default behaviour for annotations
#229 opened by DaveJarvis - 2
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@loggable is not working
#228 opened by mammamSou - 10
Time units change during one run
#222 opened by VitaliyKulikov - 2
Line does not match expected header line of ' * Copyright (c) 2012-2015, jcabi.com'
#226 opened by westonal - 3
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JSR-349 support
#221 opened by essobedo