
An implementation of a Cabify challenge

Primary LanguageElixir


Implementation of this code challenge.

Core decisions

Money representation

Any amount of money throughout the code is represented in cents as an integer. The reasons are:

  • Float arithmetic: To prevent losing small amounts after many operations
  • Complete value space: Every possible integer amount of cents represents a payable amount of money (float 7.2512€ is not payable with coins and notes)

The prices of the products when configuring the rules must be also provided in cents. If this was an issue the Rules.Parser could take care of it.

The total price of the checkout process is also given in cents, I think is not the responsability of this code to transform it into a float. It should be the presentational layer who converts it from an integer to any format it needs.

Umbrella project

The behaviour needed to implement the challenge can be divided in two parts that have been implemented as two different OTP applications:

  • Purchase: Represents an abstract purchasing process (not dependent on the type of shop). Has knowledge about how to add products to a basket, apply discounts, and calculate the total price.

  • Scanner: Represents a physical shop that uses a scanner to identify products. Has knowledge about the relation between scanned codes and actual products.

If Cabify decides to open an online web store, or a cashier-free store that uses computer vision and sensors to identify what products the customer took (like the one Amazon just launched), the Purchase logic would require no modification.

The Scanner application depends on Purchase. It acts as an interface between the code scanner and the purchasing process.

Examples in the code challenge

The configuration of the Scanner application (for all environments) at apps/scanner/config/config.exs is the same as the one in the code challenge.

To reproduce the checkout process shown in the code challenge to show the interface start iex session with iex -S mix:

Interactive Elixir (1.4.2) - press Ctrl+C to exit (type h() ENTER for help)
iex(1)> alias Scanner.Checkout
iex(2)> pricing_rules = Purchase.Rules.parse!()
iex(3)> {:ok, co} = Checkout.start_link(pricing_rules)
{:ok, #PID<0.180.0>}
iex(4)> Checkout.scan(co, "VOUCHER")
iex(5)> Checkout.scan(co, "VOUCHER")
iex(6)> Checkout.scan(co, "TSHIRT")
iex(7)> price = Checkout.total(co)

The 4 examples given in the code challenge are executed in this test at: apps/scanner/test/integration/challenge_examples_test.exs