
Scripts to aid in marking STATS 769

Primary LanguageShell


POSIX utils, rename, qutebrowser


The 'init', 'build', and 'mark' components, and 'summarise' scripts are


First, put the submissions.zip file from canvas in the top level of the
directory and navigate to the scripts directory. Then run make init, in order
to set up the submissions appropriately. This makes use of the ``-execdir''
flag to ``find'', so requires current directory to not be in $PATH

Build all of the submissions with 'make build' from within the scripts
directory. Mark the submissions with 'make mark'. Email the marking results
with 'make email' (assuming that you have the 'mail' program set up on your
machine). Summarise the marks with 'summarise', taking the name of the marks
file as argument. 


A makefile controls the operation, calling shell scripts to perform each

'make build' calls the 'build' shell script to generate an html file for every
(case-insensitive) Rmd file, with a given timeout. If successful, the html file
is sent to the 'output' directory.  In the case of failure to compile within
the time limit, a log of stderr is recorded in the basename of the Rmd file in
the 'logs' directory. All of the original Rmd files have their suffixes changed
to either '.buildsuccess' or '.buildfailure', to indicate their state to the
make process, thereby allowing all operations to be idempotent.


Use openfortivpn to set up a VPN. Mount a directory with cifs using:

	sudo mount -t cifs -o username=username,domain=uoa,vers=2.1 \
	//files.auckland.ac.nz/MyHome $YOUR_LOCAL_DIR