- 4
One or more errors were raised in the Javascript code on the page. If you don't care about these errors, you can ignore them by setting js_errors: false in your Poltergeist configuration
#63 opened by kasik96 - 0
- 5
Try to get added to Mink's driver documentation
#52 opened by tuxayo - 6
- 2
`Zumba\PhantomJSExtension` extension file or class could not be located.
#75 opened by ThomasLandauer - 1
Form-Submit does not wait for page to be loaded
#74 opened by murphy83 - 2
Questions about documentation in
#73 opened by alexislefebvre - 4
document.readyState never changes
#59 opened by thedamnedrhino - 6
using the named content selector even looks in javascript String literals
#58 opened by thedamnedrhino - 3
reset() should not mark a driver "stopped"
#69 opened by dennisverspuij - 0
Implement getVisibleText()
#71 opened by jcalderonzumba - 5
'should not see "(<text>)"' mink base step returns false when text is hidden
#56 opened by pcaldentey - 4
`TraversableElement::fillField()` function should also work for `select` type fields
#62 opened by thedamnedrhino - 17
- 4
Drag and Drop Functionality Support
#60 opened by thedamnedrhino - 3
Timeout after page loads
#64 opened by ganchclub - 2
- 5
- 5
- 5