
Example Project demonstrating how to develop React application with Nodejs

Primary LanguageJavaScript

2 apps to deploy in aks

First guestbook

Its app from kubernetes guide Link

In this tutorial the service Frontend is configurated in Cluster Ip, that's a problem to get in from a external browser

We update the the service to LoadBalancer Type with this command

kubectl patch svc frontend -p '{"spec": {"ports": [{"port": 443,"targetPort": 443,"name": "https"},{"port": 80,"targetPort": 80,"name": "http"}],"type": "LoadBalancer"}}'

React-Node App

It's a fork of Link, for the deploy we build the image and Save it in the Azure Container register in the manifest.yml we can see a deployment with the container of ACR also we can see a service using LoadBalancer type


Juan Camilo Guzman Juan Camilo Espinoza