MARC record node.js library
Install the module with: npm install marcjs
var marcjs = require('marcjs');
This script read a ISO2709 file, add a field to each reacord read, and write each record into a ISO2709 file, a MARCXML file, a JSON file, and a text file.
var marcjs = require('marcjs'),
fs = require('fs');
var reader = new marc.Iso2709Reader(fs.createReadStream('bib.mrc'));
var writers = [
new marc.MarcxmlWriter(fs.createWriteStream('bib-edited.xml')),
new marc.Iso2709Writer(fs.createWriteStream('bib-edited.mrc')),
new marc.JsonWriter(fs.createWriteStream('bib-edited.json')),
new marc.TextWriter(fs.createWriteStream('bib-edited.txt'))
reader.on('data', function(record) {
[ '998', ' ', 'a', 'Demians', 'b', 'Frédéric'],
[ '999', ' ', 'a', 'Demians Pauline']
writers.forEach(function(writer) { writer.write(record);} );
var intervalId = setInterval(function() { console.log(reader.count); }, 100);
reader.on('end', function(){
writers.forEach(function(writer) { writer.end();} );
The library manipulate MARC biblio records as native Javascript object which has two properties: leader
and fields
"leader": "01243nam 22002173n 450 ",
"fields": [
" ",
" ",
"SU063312260001S "
" ",
"19970701d1927 m y0frey0103 ba"
"0 ",
" ",
" ",
"||||z 00|||"
" ",
"1 ",
"Greek printing types",
"Texte imprimé",
", 1465-1927, facsimiles from an exhibition of books illustrating the development of Greek printing shown in the British Museum, 1927. With an historical introduction by Victor Scholderer. [Preface by Frederic G. Kenyon.]"
" ",
"London, British Museum ; B. Quaritch ; H. Milford",
"(Oxford, printed by J. Johnson)",
"1927. Gr. in-fol. (390 x 265), 23 p., fac-sim. [Don 217025] -Ia-"
" ",
"On a joint des comptes rendus extraits du ¸Times Lit. Suppl.¸, 25 August. 1927 et du ¸Library association record¸, 1927, et ¸La première Renaissance des études grecques en France, hellénistes et imprimeurs¸, par Egger, extrait de la ¸Revue de Paris¸, 15 décembre 1868"
" |",
"Frederic George",
" 0",
Copyright (c) 2013 Frédéric Demians
Licensed under the MIT license.