Rock Paper Scissors

An ASP.Net MVC implementation of the game "Rock Paper Scissors"

Write an application that lets you play Rock-Paper-Scissors according to this criteria:

  • I can play Player vs Computer
  • I can play Computer vs Computer
  • I can play a different game each time
  • Write a scaled-down version (think minimum viable product), small and well crafted
  • Write the application with high unit test coverage and well factored code

Technical Constraints/Considerations

  • Doesn't necessarily need a flashy GUI (can be simple)
  • Use .NET toolset (i.e. c#) and any associated plug ins you see fit
  • Use best industry practices

Don't know the game?

Things to improve from the current version (commit num.8)

  • The UI does not maintain the state of the last played game's selected settings just yet. This is particularly noticeable when trying to play a Computer vs Computer game various times in a row. But the required data to cater for this is already contained within the view model so it shouldn't be difficult to implement this
  • The UI has duplicated code on the views that should be moved into shared partial views to reduce code duplication
  • The UI doesn't look great at the moment but still fullfills the criteria of a viable working game
  • More tests could be written for various parts of the web project