
Datasets and Tableau Dashboard to analyse the evolution of the COVID-19 in the region of Extremadura (Spain). Last update 4th May 2020

coronavirus_extremadura (Spain)

The repository contains databases uded to track the evolution of COVID-19 in the region of Extremadura.

There are 4 files:

  1. coordinates_municipalities_extremadura: The database includes the geographical coordinates of the municipalities in the region. The column 'area_salud_id' indicates in which Health Department the municipality is located.

  2. polygons_municipalities_extremadura: The database includes the polygon areas of each municipality district.

  3. evolution_coronavirus: The database tracks the number of cases of COVID-19 reported daily in every Health Department since 02 March 2020. It also includes the number of medical professionals diagnosed with COVID-19.

  4. areas_salud: The database is daily updated and includes the total number of cases, active cases, discharge cases, deaths, hospitalised patients and positive cases of medical professionals.

You can find a Tableau Dashboard with interactive information here.