A project to leverage Ansible Tower's APIs to create a project, org, inventory, credentials, and job template, then run the job template as a job. If any of these items already exist (based on their name), they will not be created.
This has been tested with the unlimited trial version of Ansible Tower: https://www.ansible.com/tower-trial
NOTE: This is demo code to show the use of ansible tower rest apis, it should be treated as such
This code is for testing purposes only. Get a signed certificate for your ansible tower install and remove line 6: process.env.NODE_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED = '0';
Download the project and run npm install
- PROJECT_NAME - the name of your project in tower, creates it if DNE. Default:
- PROJECT_PATH - the path/folder to your project
. Default:my-project
- TOWER_API - the tower server's api path. Default:
- TOWER_USER or TOWER_USERNAME - the username for the tower frontend/api. Default:
- TOWER_PASS or TOWER_PASSWORD - the password for the tower frontend/api. Default:
- TOWER_ORG_NAME or TOWER_ORGANIZATION_NAME - the tower org we are using. Default:
- TOWER_INV_NAME or TOWER_INVENTORY_NAME - the name of the inventory we are using (or making) in tower. Default:
- TOWER_CRED_NAME or TOWER_CREDENTIAL_NAME - the credentail store name we are using (or making). Default:
- TOWER_JOB_TEMP_NAME or TOWER_JOB_TEMPLATE_NAME - the job template name we are using/creating. Default:
- TOWER_JOB_TEMP_PLAYBOOK or TOWER_JOB_TEMPLATE_PLAYBOOK - the playbook we are running for our job. Default:
You must have a folder at the specified PROJECT_PATH that is not in use by another project, and a playbook of the specified name/location.
Run: npm start
- Cleanup
- More configuration
- Better error handling
- Automated tests