This project attempts to automate the Linux From Scratch project. Currently follows version 10.0 of LFS.
Usage: stage-or-chapter host drive swappartnum installpartnum threads
Step 0: Prepare host system and temporary tools
(system root) # wget$BRANCH/src/
(system root) # export LFS=/mnt/lfs
(system root) # sh stage0 ubuntu sda 1 2
(lfs user) $ bash $LFS/sources/lfs/src/ stage2
(lfs user) $ time bash $LFS/sources/lfs/src/ stage3 ubuntu sda 1 2 1
$ time bash $LFS/sources/lfs/src/ stage4
$ exit
$ exit
(system root) # bash $LFS/sources/lfs/src/ stage5`
Step 5: Change to chroot environment
(system root) # bash $LFS/sources/lfs/src/ stage5_2
Step 6: Run new bash
(chroot) # bash /sources/lfs/src/ stage6
(new bash chroot) # bash /sources/lfs/src/ stage6_2
Step 7: Begin building sources
(chroot) # time bash /sources/lfs/src/ stage7
Step 7.2 (optional): Exit chroot to make a backup, then re-enter the chroot
exit chroot
# exit
# exit
# time bash $LFS/sources/lfs/src/ stage7_2
# bash $LFS/sources/lfs/src/ ch7_3
# bash $LFS/sources/lfs/src/ ch7_4
Step 8: Build the rest of the packages with the bash we just built
(chroot) # time bash /sources/lfs/src/ stage8
# Build
(chroot) # bash /sources/lfs/src/ stage8_1
# Run new bash
(new bash) # time bash /sources/lfs/src/ stage8_2
# build in new bash
(system root) # bash $LFS/sources/lfs/src/ stage8_3
# reenter chroot
with new bash
(new bash) # bash /sources/lfs/src/ stage8_4
Step 9: Strip binaries of debugging info
# time bash /sources/lfs/src/ stage9 ubuntu sdb
Step 10: Outside of the chroot environment, unmount virtual files
(system root) # bash stage10
Stage 3: 65m44.110s Stage 7: 11m51.246s, 13m30.483s Stage 7.2: 21m32.050s Stage 8: 191m32.042s, 497m11.804s, 367m50136s Stage 8.2: 146m20.825s ch8_69: 7m34.422s Stage 9: 2m56.588s
- Save some information in a configuration file, rather than passing as environment variables, to minimize amount of argument passing. This should make it easier in the future to automate some stages.
- Also track successfully completed stages, to make it easier to start from a certain point
- Direct logs to a master log file, that can be watched with a single tail -f
- stage8_2 calling logout rather than exit
- ch9_4 gives "no such file: /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules"
- ch11_3_2 gives "logout: not login shell: use exit"
When running on a kvm/qemu host, set network source mode to bridge and device model to e1000e