
Simple framework for testing R predictive classifiers

Primary LanguageR

PredTest: A Simple Classifier Test Framework for R


This is a simple classifier test framework for R that I created while experimenting with solutions to Kaggle's Titanic challenge.
While trying out different models and feature combinations, I found it helpful to have a way to easily test and compare results. I've since reused this framework for other classification projects and it's been handy.

There are very good, robust R packages that do similar things. This is just a simple tool to facilitate experimenting with classifiers.


The framework code is in src/predtest.R. To load it, source the file in your R environment or script.


Two things are required to use the framework.

  1. One or more model functions that confirm to the framework's API.
  2. A list of models and parameters for the framework to execute.

The model functions have the form,

pt.model.template <- function(model,
                              train.df, test.df) {

  # Extract relevant parameters
  dep.col     <- model$dep.col
  indep.cols  <- model$indep.cols
  good.levels <- model$good.levels
  bad.levels  <- model$bad.levels

  # Build model using information in model list. Do prediction.
  # Store test results in actual and predicted variables.

  # Compute performance metrics
  # NB - pt.performance expects actual and predicted
  #      to be vectors of 0 and 1. 
  perf.df <- pt.performance(actual, predicted)

Model functions take three arguments:

  • model - a list of parameters
  • train.df - a dataframe containing the training data set.
  • test.df - a dataframe containing the test data set.

They return a dataframe containing various performance metrics produced by the pt.performance framework function. This function takes as arguments (0,1) vectors of the actual and predicted classifications.

To complete the model function, implement the appropriate library calls to train a model using the training data set, test it with the test data set, and process the results to create the actual and predicted vectors. The provided examples demonstrate how to do this.

A model is described by a list with the following elements,

  • name - Model's name. (String).
  • model.fn - Name of model function (String).
  • run - Run model when TRUE (Boolean).
  • avg.results - Average kfold results when TRUE (Boolean).
  • dep.col - Name of column to classify (String).
  • indep.cols - Name of columns to use for prediction (String vector).
  • good.levels - Name of "good" levels for classification column (String vector).
  • bad.levels - Name of "bad" levels for classification column (String vector)
  • balanced - Enforce equal "good" and "bad" samples when TRUE (Boolean).
  • kfolds - Number of cross validation folds (Integer).

The primary framework entry point, pt.test.models(), takes a list of such model lists along with the associated data set. This excerpt from the Iris example demonstrates this,


dep.col     <- "Species"
indep.cols  <- c("Sepal.Length", "Sepal.Width", "Petal.Length", "Petal.Width")
good.levels <- "setosa"
bad.levels  <- c("versicolor", "virginica" )

models <- list(list(name        = "Decision Tree",
                    model.fn    = "iris.dtree",
                    run         = TRUE,
                    avg.results = TRUE, 
                    dep.col     = dep.col,
                    indep.cols  = indep.cols, 
                    good.levels = good.levels,
                    bad.levels  = bad.levels,
                    balanced    = FALSE,                    
                    kfolds      = 2),
               list(name        = "Naive Bayes",
                    model.fn    = "iris.nbayes",
                    run         = TRUE,
                    avg.results = TRUE,                     
                    dep.col     = dep.col,
                    indep.cols  = indep.cols, 
                    good.levels = good.levels,
                    bad.levels  = bad.levels,
                    balanced    = FALSE,
                    kfolds      = 2))

pt.test.models(iris, models)

Each model descriptor can reference a different model function or the same model function with different parameters (i.e. independent variable columns, good/bad levels, etc).

When run, the pt.test.models() routine will return a data frame with the results for each model. As an example, here are the results from running the Iris example,

> pt.test.models(iris, models)
          Model tp fp tn fn tpr fpr errrate recall precision
1 Decision Tree 25  0 50  0   1   0       0      1         1
2   Naive Bayes 25  0 50  0   1   0       0      1         1

The columns of this data frame are,

  • Model - name of the tested model.
  • tp - number of true positive results.
  • fp - number of false positive results.
  • tn - number of true negative results.
  • fn - number of false negative results.
  • tpr - Proportion of true positives to true positives and false negatives.
  • fpr - Proportion of false positives to false positives and true negatives.
  • errrate - Proportion of incorrect predictions to total number of predictions.
  • recall - Proportion of true positives to true positives and false negatives.
  • precision - Proportion of true positives to true positives and false positives.

Some of these metrics don't make sense when averaged over the cross validation folds. Setting the model parameter avg.results to FALSE will cause the results from each cross validation test to be returned. For example, setting this parameter to FALSE for the Iris example results in,

> pt.test.models(iris, models)
          Model tp fp tn fn tpr fpr errrate recall precision
1 Decision Tree 23  0 52  0   1   0       0      1         1
2 Decision Tree 27  0 48  0   1   0       0      1         1
3   Naive Bayes 25  0 50  0   1   0       0      1         1
4   Naive Bayes 25  0 50  0   1   0       0      1         1


Two example uses of the framework are provided.