
This project search executables java files in java projects. To work, this application get a json file with an array of urls, like this:

["", ""]

The results will be a collection of folders, each them a project. For each project folder, there should exists one folder per java file thats compile without errors. Beyond that, each file must have at least a non-empty class with at least a non-empty method.


This project needs a java compiler installed, with a javac tool. Make sure to have this on system path.

This works with Python 3. Therefore, install more recent python 3.x interpreter. And make sure to have pip tool available (in windows, this comes with more recent interpreter; in linux, install python-pip). In linux, python-dev is recomended. w With pip tool, install (in ubuntu, use "sudo" before each command):

pip install virtualenv --upgrade
pip install freeze --upgrade

First time use

Create virtual environment folder by running the following command in the root project:


virtualenv -p python3 .venv


virtualenv -p python .venv

This will create a .venv folder in the root project. This folder contains python3 interpreter (with python name), libraries and tools. This allow to keep libraries in the specific versions, dispite the libraries of the system. To activate this virtual environment, run:


source .venv/bin/activate



Now, install the project libraries:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Activate the virtual environment

If the virtual environment is not yet active, run:


source .venv/bin/activate




Configure the file:

  • RESULT_FOLDER: folder which will receive all results
  • TEMP_REPOS_FOLDER: folder which will receive each project on clone phase
  • INPUT_JSON_FILE: json file with urls of the projects
  • PROCESSED_JSON_FILE: path and name of the json file of the processed urls
  • MAX_WORKERS: number of threads

With the virtual environment activated, run:




python -m unittest discover tests

Install new libraries in the virtual environment

First, activate the virtual environment. After that, install the python library with pip:

pip install <package>

And update the requirements.txt:

pip freeze > requirements.txt

Deactivate the virtual environment



This filter remove some files with invalid imports and with useless methods (methods without minimal statements). To work, you need to have one folder "results" (with results of previous algorithms) and other folder "output" (to receive valid files).