
Testing camera tracking in three.js

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Camera Tracking from Cinema4D to Three.js


This was an experiment to figure out a camera tracking workflow between Cinema 4D and Three.js, for the purpose of creating quasi-augmented reality Three.js experiments. The results aren't perfect, but the test demonstrates WebGL and HTML elements matched to an underlying footage plate.

The process was:

  • Shoot live footage
  • Import into Cinema4D, generate camera track, and create a few test objects.
  • Export camera data and test objects to Collada file.
  • Import Collada file into Three.js scene
  • Place video elemet in background
  • Sync Three.js animation loop to video playback
  • Import Collada file and use embedded camera
  • Add a few elements to the Three.js scene
  • Hit play, and watch the Three.js elements match the real world footage movement!