While you can run and interact with this example application on localhost, you cannot take advantage of using the health check functionality with this example application without using OpenShift. For more details on using this example application with a single-node OpenShift cluster, CI/CD deployments, as well as the rest of the runtime, see the Eclipse Vert.x Runtime Guide. |
This example application requires Java 8 JDK or greater and Maven 3.3.x or greater. |
As part of the process of creating this example application using or the Fabric8 Launcher tool, set up a project with a CI/CD deployment of this example application. You can see the status of this deployment in your Single-node OpenShift Cluster or OpenShift Online Web Console. |
To run this example application on your local host:
$ git clone
$ cd fat-ground
$ mvn compile vertx:run
To interact with your example application while it is running, use the form at http://localhost:8080
or the curl
$ curl http://localhost:8080/api/greeting
{"content":"Hello, World!"}
$ curl http://localhost:8080/api/greeting?name=Sarah
{"content":"Hello, Sarah!"}
If you have a single-node OpenShift cluster, such as Minishift or Red Hat Container Development Kit, installed and running, you can also deploy your example application there. A single-node OpenShift cluster provides you with access to a cloud environment that is similar to a production environment.
To deploy your example application to a running single-node OpenShift cluster:
Log in and create your project.
$ oc login -u developer -p developer $ oc new-project MY_PROJECT_NAME $ mvn clean fabric8:deploy -Popenshift
To interact with your example application while it is running on a Single-node OpenShift Cluster, you first need to obtain its URL:
$ oc get route ${value-name-app} -o jsonpath={$}
You can use the form at your application’s URL or you can use the curl
$ curl http://${value-name-app}-MY_PROJECT_NAME.LOCAL_OPENSHIFT_HOSTNAME/api/greeting
{"content":"Hello World!"}
$ curl http://${value-name-app}-MY_PROJECT_NAME.LOCAL_OPENSHIFT_HOSTNAME/api/greeting?name=Sarah
{"content":"Hello Sarah!"}
$ curl http://${value-name-app}-MY_PROJECT_NAME.LOCAL_OPENSHIFT_HOSTNAME/api/stop
$ oc get pods -w
${value-name-app}-1-26iy7 1/1 Running 5 18m
changes to 0/1
, if you re-execute a curl
command to api/greeting
or attempt to access the application’s URL, it will be unavailable. When READY
changes back to 1/1
, curl
commands and the application URL will be available again.
You can learn more about this example application and rest of the Eclipse Vert.x runtime in the Eclipse Vert.x Runtime Guide.
Run the set of integration tests included with this example application using mvn clean verify -Popenshift,openshift-it .