
Calculates Cyclomatic Complexity of a git repository, distributing the work across multiple nodes

Primary LanguagePython


Calculates Cyclomatic Complexity of the python files contained in JCass45's (me) Chat Server repository, distributing the work across multiple worker nodes.

How to use

  • Pull the project down to a remote machine for the master to run on.
  • Activate the virtual environment using . venv/bin/activate
  • Build the worker docker image using docker build -t worker.py .
  • Deploy the worker docker image to a docker repository so that it can be pulled down onto a remote machine.
  • Pull the worker docker image down to a separate remote machine.
  • Start the master using python master.py (make sure the virtual env is activated). The master downloads a list of commit SHA's and starts a Flask server from which the workers can steal work
  • On the workers remote machine, use . run_workers x to startup x containers for the worker docker image.
  • You should see on the master side all of the workers beginning to steal work with a 'New node joined' console message


The master appends the time taken for x workers to complete the task to the results.txt file. After finished running the master with varying combinations of workers, the results.txt can be graphed by running python plot_results.py which will output a pyplot graph of Workers vs Time. A sample graph