Angular tutorial

Configure and run the server:

cd server
npm install
npm start

Mission for Step 1

Install angular cli

npm install -g @angular/cli

Connect and play with mongodb shell v3.6

mongo --host --port 27017
use order

Create a new angular project

ng new orders

Mission for Step 2

run the angular project

cd orders
ng serve


  • add a vendors component (ng generate component vendors),
  • use a title binding property and declare a list of strings with fake vendors' title,
  • in the related template, expose the title as a html title (h1) and place the list of strings inside a bullet list (ul/li).

Mission for Step 3

  • create a repository service helping to access vendors' data,
  • use an abstraction of the service and a fake in-memory implementation.

Mission for Step 4

  • do a better abstraction for the order repository by taking into account the latency of such a service (use Observable with rxjs)
  • use a Rest implementation for accessing data with the HttpClientModule to your Rest Api. (return result from /vendors as a list of string)

Mission for Step 5

  • use a VendorDetail class using title, categories and products fields
  • do routes for /vendorsdetails and /vendorsdetails/:id in OrderRepositoryService
  • transform the vendors component to use a set of cards
  • create a VendorCard component to add more details on a specifi vendor. Use a badge for the sum of commands per vendors and a list of products

Mission for Step 6

  • route to a VendorDetails component when we select a vendor
  • use a pipe to transform the vendor id to a capitalized title (this-is-a-shop become This Is A Shop)