A REST API showing Play with a JPA backend.
To run, make sure you have Java 8 and SBT installed.
Run the app with sbt run
There are two endpoints, one that works using an in memory Map that you can browse straight away at http://localhost:9000/
The other, under http://localhost:9000/v1/people comes from an in-memory H2 database, accessed via JPA / Hibernate.
To add a new person, simply post to this endpoint with Header Content Type set to application/json and the body of e.g.:
"firstName" : "Jonny",
"lastName" : "Cavell",
"dateOfBirth" : "adfasfaf",
"postcode" : "adfa",
"email" : "adfasffa"
You should receive a 201 reponse status indicating the resource was successfully created.