
Web version for the initial project called Incliti, it aims to helping investors in cryptocurrencies

Primary LanguageVue



CryptoPrices is a result of a two-term (7-12 months) project as a final assignment in order to pass the Bachelor of IT focused on Mobile App Design at AIT Sydney.

What does it do?

The original idea behind the project was to gather cryptocurrencies prices from several exchanges around the world in one place. As the project grew bigger, an important feature has been added to it, the real-time cryptocurrency trading, where you can buy and/or sell cryptocurrency through the Australian exchange BTCMarkets by using your trader account.

Built With

  • Vue.js - The Progressive JavaScript Framework
  • Vuetify - Material Design Component Framework
  • Firebase - Google's development platform


This project's helped me to improve some and learn other technologies from scratch including HTML/CSS/JavaScript, Vue.js, NoSql Databases, State Management and Design Patterns.

Build Setup

# install dependencies
npm install

# serve with hot reload at localhost:8080
npm run dev


Image of Home

Image of Coin

Image of Exchange

Image of Portfolio

Image of Portfolio